Night Journey, also known as Shab e Miraj, Isra and Miraj or Al Isra
wal Miraj (الإسراء والمعراج), is observed on 27th day of the month of
Rajab (7th month of Islamic Calendar). Shab e Miraj literally translates
to ‘The Night of Ascent’. This event celebrates the night when the
Prophet (S.A.W.) ascended to the Heavens from Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah.
One of the great gifts of this night was that obligatory Prayer (Fardh
Salah) was instituted on Muslims.
Similar to other events and occasions of the blessed life of our Prophet (S.A.W.), the Night Journey is a rich source of inspiration and lessons for the entire humanity.
and Miraj took place approximately 10-12 years after Prophet (S.A.W.)
received revelation from Allah. This was a time of great sorrow and
grief for the Prophet (S.A.W.) because of the recent deaths of his
beloved wife Khadijah (R.A.) and his uncle Abu Talib. However, in this
difficult times, Prophet (S.A.W.) was honored with direct contact with
Allah through this blessed journey.
This miraculous journey of Miraj took place in two parts. First, Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) went from Makkah (Kaaba) to Jerusalem (Masjid Al-Aqsa) and then he (S.A.W.) was ascension to the heavens by Allah.
night started off with leader of all Angels Jibrael (A.S.) appearing
before the Prophet (S.A.W.). Subsequently, he took Mohammad (S.A.W.)
from the Masjid Al-Haram (Kaaba) to the Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. This part of Prophet’s (S.A.W.) journey is mentioned in Quran:
"Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing." (Surah Al-Isra 17:1)

mode of transportation used for this commute in the middle of the night
was an animal, similar to horse, called Al-Burraq which was sent by
Allah from Jannah (Paradise).
After riding this heavenly ride, he (S.A.W.) reached Masjid Al-Aqsa
from Masjid al-Haram in just a second. On reaching Masjid Al-Aqsa,
Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) realized that all the other Prophets, who came
before him, were already present there. These Prophets includes Ibrahim
(A.S.), Isa (A.S.), Musa (A.S.) and all other Prophets. Over here
Mohammad (S.A.W.) led all of the Prophets in two Rakat prayer.
that, two cups were brought to the Prophet (S.A.W.). One cup was filled
with wine and other with milk. He (S.A.W.) looked at them and chose the
milk. Jibrael (A.S.) said to him (S.A.W.):
“Praise be to Allah Who has guided you to the Fitrah (purity and innocence). If you have chosen the wine, your Ummah would have gone astray.” (An-Nasai: 5657)
the second part of Isra and Miraj, Jibrael (A.S.) took Prophet (S.A.W.)
to the heavens. Through his ascension, Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)
stopped by the all seven layers of the heaven/sky. Messenger of Allah
(S.A.W.) met the following great Prophets on each heaven:
- On first heaven, Prophet Adam (A.S.)
- On second heaven, Prophet Isa (A.S.) and Prophet Yahya (A.S.) [Prophet Jesus and Prophet John]
- On third heaven, Prophet Yusuf (A.S.) [Prophet Joseph]
- On fourth heaven, Prophet Idris (A.S.) [Prophet Enoch]
- On fifth heaven, Prophet Haroon (A.S.) [Prophet Aaron]
- On sixth heaven, Prophet Musa (A.S.) [Prophet Moses]
- On seventh heaven, Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) [Prophet Abraham]
(Ref: Sahih Bukhari: 3207)
Prophet (S.A.W.) then was shown Al-Bait Al-Mamur (Allah's House on top of all heavens). Upon inquiring about this place, Jibrael (A.S) told Prophet (S.A.W.),
“This is Al Bait- Al-Mamur where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily and who attends it never will never be able to again attend this blessing.” (Sahih Bukhari: 3207)
Prophet (S.A.W.) was carried to Sidrat Al-Muntaha (a large Lote Tree
which marks the end of heavens). Sidrat Al-Muntaha is the boundary which
no creation of Allah can pass. Jibrael (A.S.) stopped at this tree
whereas Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) is the only being who is allowed by
Allah to pass this boundary.
Prophet (S.A.W.) crossed Sidrat Al-Muntaha, he (S.A.W.) was then
presented to the Divine Presence and got the closest possible nearness
to Allah but Prophet (S.A.W.) did not saw Allah with his eyes. The same
is also evident from the following hadith:
It was narrated that Aishah (R.A.) said: “If anyone tells you that Mohammad (S.A.W.) has seen his Lord, he is a liar, for Allah says: 'No vision can grasp Him.' (Surah Al-Anaam 6:103)” (Sahih Bukhari: 7380)

the Devine Presence of Allah, Prophet (S.A.W.) was ordained 50 daily
prayers for him and his Ummah. After receiving this order from Allah,
Prophet (S.A.W.) returned and on his way back but Prophet Musa (A.S.)
advised him to ask Allah to reduce the number because the Muslim Ummah
would not be able to perform such a large number of prayers. Prophet
(S.A.W.) went again and again to Almighty Allah till the prayers were
reduced to five only but Allah Has promised his beloved Prophet (S.A.W.)
that the reward from Allah of these five Prayers for His slaves will be
equal to fifty prayers (SubhanAllah).
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) was given three things during this blessed journey:
1- Five daily Prayers (which equal to the reward of fifty daily Prayers). (Sahih Bukhari: 7517)
2- Concluding verses of Surah Al-Baqarah (Last Two Verses).
3- Allah’s
Promise that the sins of the Ummah of Mohammad (S.A.W.) would be
forgiven except those who died associating partners with Allah. (Sahih Muslim: 173)
this journey of Miraj, the Prophet (S.A.W.) was also taken to Jannah
(Paradise) and Jahannum (Hell) by Angel Jibrael (A.S.). During this
visit, Prophet (S.A.W.) saw the blessing which will be received by the
inhabitants of paradise but also saw the tortures and torments which
will be inflected on the people who will enter hell.
completing his journey, Prophet (S.A.W.) mounted on Al-Buraq and
returned to Makkah. The Shab e Miraj took place during one night.
morning, Prophet (S.A.W.) went to Masjid Al-Haram and told people about
his journey. The disbelievers found this situation suitable to
humiliate the believers. They knew that Prophet (S.A.W.) had never been
to Masjid Al-Aqsa so they asked him about its description. Disbelievers
were amazed with the Prophet's (S.A.W.) answer and exact description of
the Mosque. They said to Prophet (S.A.W.): “By God, you perfectly and
correctly described it.” Nevertheless, they still did not embrace Islam
and asked for more proofs.
When a group of disbelievers told Abu Bakr (R.A.) about
the situation, he (R.A.) said to them, “If Prophet (S.A.W.) said this,
then it is undoubtedly true.” This shows Abu Bakr’s true believe and due
to this incident, Abu Bakr (R.A.) was given the title of ‘As-Siddiq’
(the Truthful)” by the Prophet (S.A.W.).
Shab e Miraj holds
great significance in the lives of Muslims across the globe. It is
considered one of the most sacred of miracles of Allah, which He chose
to bestow upon Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) and only him.
this journey has religious significance in Islam, the Prophet Mohammad
(S.A.W.) never celebrated it nor did he ever instruct his Ummah to
celebrate it. However, we can commemorate this great event by asking
Allah for His blessings, helping the needy and by doing good deeds which
Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W.) have advised/taught us to do.
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