Quranic Supplications: Surah Al Kahf

Surah Al Kahf

Surah al Kahf is the 18th Surah of Qur’an and it tells the story of the believers in ancient time who when received the message of Truth accepted it. However, they were to face retaliation from the society they lived in and hence the flee from the city and found protection in a cave where Allah Almighty gave them sleep that lasted for centuries and till then their whole city had converted into believers. This Surah gives the message that those who believe in Allah, and ask for protection from Him, He gives them the best protection the likes of which the world has never seen.

The Virtues Of Reciting Surah aKahf On Jumu’ah in the Light of Hadith

The Surah also comes with a variety of virtues as described in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on the day of Jummah will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.” (al-Jaami)

“One who memorized the first ten verses of Surah al Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (Muslim) 

‘Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah (Friday), a light will shine for him from beneath his feet to the clouds of the sky, which will shine for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will be forgiven (his sins) between the two Fridays.’” [Al-Mundhiri رحمة اللہ علیه said, this was narrated by Abu Bakr ibn Mardawayh رحمة اللہ علیه in his Tafseer, with an isnaad with which there was nothing wrong]

Al-Mannaawi also said: “It is recommended to read it during the day or night of Jumu’ah, as al-Shaafa’i (rahmatullahi alaih) stated.” (Fayd al-Qadeer, 6/198)

“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on yaumul Jummah, he is immune for 8 days from all fitnah that will happen. When the Dajjal comes out, he will be immune to him.”

In a nutshell, Surah al Kahf is one of the renowned Surahs of Quran. Besides giving the message of Allah protecting those in miraculous ways who stick to righteousness and stay on the right path, the Surah also comes with a variety of virtues. It helps one expatiate from sins, gain blessings of Allah Almighty and prepare one’s self for the end of days. Therefore, every Muslim man and woman must try getting into the habit of reciting Surah al Kahf on regular bases.

Quran is the word of Allah and every Muslim believes in the authenticity and truthfulness of each and every word. A Muslim therefore, is always keen to learn the Holy Quran and consults with Quran in every matter of life and tries to find out the required instructions and guidelines. For a Muslim no text is more sacred or truer than the Quran and everything that comes from it is accepted by Muslims without any question.

In addition to utilizing Quran as means of taking instructions on the code of conduct, Quran is also a means of gathering blessings and reward from Allah. When it comes to gathering this reward, there are some verses or Surahs of Quran such as Surah Fatiha, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Kausar, etc… that take the lead over rest of the Surahs. One such Surah of Quran is Surah Al Kahf. The lines below discuss the major virtues of reading and reciting Surah Al Kahf as given in different hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Rewards of Surah Kahf

Surah al Kahf is the 18th Surah of Quran and it tells the story of the believers in ancient time who when received the message of Truth accepted it. However, they were to face retaliation from the society they lived in and hence the flee from the city and found protection in a cave where Allah Almighty gave them sleep that lasted for centuries and till then their whole city had converted into believers. 

This Surah gives the message that those who believe in Allah and ask for protection from Him, He gives them the best protection the likes of which the world has never seen. Besides this illuminating message, the Surah also comes with a variety of virtues as described in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The lines below discuss those virtues.

Virtue# 1:

It is narrated by Abu Saeed al-Khurdi, who said:

“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on the night of Jummah, will have a light that will stretch between him and the Ancient House (Kabah).” (al-Jaami)

This hadith goes on to show the power of the Surah when recited on Friday night. The hadith shows that the Surah brings light to the reader and the stretch of the light covers the area between Kabah and the reader, no matter how far away the reader is from the House of Allah. This stretch of light can be loosely considered as the light of blessings and mercy of Allah. Thus, by reciting the Surah on Friday night one can get hold of such magnanimous mercy and blessings.

Regarding the recitation of Surah al Kahf on Friday night, another hadith narrates:

“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on the day of Jummah will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.” (al-Jaami)

Therefore, on Friday night, a Muslim must find time to sit down and read Surah al Kahf and become one of the blessed ones.

Virtue# 2:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“One who memorized the first ten verses of Surah al Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (Muslim)

Dajjal is one of the prominent figures of end of times and he will bring destruction to mankind. He will bring destruction and havoc to the world and because of his might people with low and weak faith will turn towards him and gather with him. At that time those who believe will ask help from Allah Almighty to protect them against his destruction. Therefore, if one wishes to be safe during the time of such grave adversity and annihilation, then one should try to memorize the first ten verses of Surah al Kahf and try reciting them whenever the chance becomes available.

Hazrat Ibn Mardwiyah Al Daiyaa (RA) said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith:

“Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on yaumul Jummah, he is immune for 8 days from all fitnah that will happen. When the Dajjal comes out, he will be immune to him.”

Virtue# 3:

On the Authority of Hazrat Aisha (RA); the Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Shall I not inform you of a Surah which is so full of greatness it reaches between the heaven and earth and it has blessings written for it of similar proportions (from the sky to earth) whoever reads it on Yaumul Jummah is forgiven what occurred between that Jummah and the next, in addition to 3 days (i.e. 10days in all) and whoever reads the last five ayat of it when he goes to sleep, Allah will send him that night what he wants. They said, Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said: Sura Ashabul Kahf.”

This hadith gives a variety of virtues of reading and reciting Surah al Kahf on the day of Jummah. The first virtue is that the person gets forgiven from one Friday to the next including the last three days as well. Meaning that by reading Surah al Kahf on Friday one gets to be free of sin for ten days. The second virtue described in the hadith is the granting of whatever a person wishes if he or she sleeps after reciting the last five verses of Surah al Kahf. Therefore, by reading Surah al Kahf on Friday nights and before going to sleep every night one gets the benefits of expatiating from sins as well as granting of wishes, therefore, every Muslim who is in need of these two virtues must make sure that they form the habit of reciting Surah al Kahf every night in general and on Friday nights in particular.


In a nutshell, Surah al Kahf is one of the renowned Surahs of Quran. Besides giving the message of Allah protecting those in miraculous ways who stick to righteousness and stay on the right path, the Surah also comes with a variety of virtues. It helps one expatiate from sins, gain blessings of Allah Almighty and prepare one’s self for the end of days. Therefore, every Muslim man and woman must try getting into the habit of reciting Surah al Kahf on regular bases.

Surah Al Kahf

 Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

  1. Alhamdu lillaahil lazeee anzala 'alaa 'abdihil kitaaba wa lam yaj'al lahoo 'iwajaa
  2. Qaiyimal liyunzira baasan shadeedam mil ladunhu wa yubashshiral mu'mineenal lazeena ya'maloonas saalihaati anna lahum ajran hasanaa
  3. Maakiseena feehi abadaa
  4. Wa yunziral lazeena qaalut takhazal laahu waladaa
  5. Maa lahum bihee min 'ilminw wa laa li aabaaa'ihim; kaburat kalimatan takhruju min afwaahihim; iny yaqooloona illaa kazibaa
  6. Fala'allaka baakhi'un nafsaka 'alaaa aasaarihim illam yu;minoo bihaazal hadeesi asafaa
  7. Innaa ja'alnaa ma 'alal ardi zeenatal lahaa linabluwahum ayyuhum ahsanu 'amalaa
  8. Wa innaa lajaa 'iloona maa 'alaihaa sa'aeedan juruzaa
  9. Am hasibta anna Ashaabal Kahfi war Raqeemi kaanoo min Aayaatinaa 'ajabaa
  10. Iz awal fityatu ilal Kahfi faqaaloo Rabbanaaa aatinaa mil ladunka rahmatanw wa haiyi' lanaa min amrinaa rashadaa
  11. Fadarabnaa 'alaaa aazaanihim fil Kahfi seneena 'adadaa
  12. Summa ba'asnaahum lina'lama ayyul hizbaini ahsaa limaa labisooo amadaa (section 1)
  13. Nahnu naqussu 'alaika naba ahum bilhaqq; innahum fityatun aamanoo bi Rabbihim wa zidnaahum hudaa
  14. Wa rabatnaa 'alaa quloo bihim iz qaamoo faqaaloo Rabbunaa Rabbus samaawaati wal ardi lan nad'uwa min dooniheee ilaahal laqad qulnaaa izan shatataa
  15. Haaa'ulaaa'i qawmunat takhazoo min dooniheee aalihatal law laa yaatoona 'alaihim bisultaanim baiyin; faman azlamu mimmaniftaraa 'alal laahi kazibaa
  16. Wa izi'tazal tumoohum wa maa ya'budoona illal laaha faawooo ilal kahfi yanshur lakum Rabbukum mir rahmatihee wa yuhaiyi' lakum min amrikum mirfaqa
  17. Wa tarash shamsa izaa tala'at tazaawaru 'an kahfihim zaatal yameeni wa izaa gharabat taqriduhum zaatash shimaali wa hum fee fajwatim minh; zaalika min Aayaatillaah; mai yahdil laahu fahuwal muhtad, wa mai yudlil falan tajida lahoo waliyyam murshidaa (section 2)
  18. Wa tahsabuhum ayqaazanw wa hum ruqood; wa nuqallibuhum zaatal yameeni wa zaatash shimaali wa kalbuhum baasitun ziraa'ayhi bilwaseed; lawit tala'ta 'alaihim la wallaita minhum firaaranw wa lamuli'ta minhum rubaa
  19. Wa kazaalika ba'asnaahum liyatasaaa'aloo bainahum; qaala qaaa'ilum minhum kam labistum qaaloo labisnaa yawman aw ba'da yawm; qaaloo Rabbukum a'lamu bimaa labistum fab'asooo ahadakum biwariqikum haazihee ilal madeenati falyanzur ayyuhaaa azkaa ta'aaman falyaatikum birizqim minhu walyatalattaf wa laa yush'iranna bikum ahadaa
  20. Innahum iny yazharoo 'alaikum yarjumookum aw yu'eedookum fee millatihim wa lan tuflihooo izan abadaa
  21. Wa kazaalika a'sarnaa 'alaihim liya'lamooo anna wa'dal laahi haqqunw wa annas Saa'ata laa raiba feehaa iz yatanaaza'oona bainahum amrahum faqaalub noo 'alaihim bunyaanaa; Rabbuhum a'lamu bihim; qaalal lazeena ghalaboo 'alaaa amrihim lanat takhizanna 'alaihim masjidaa
  22. Sa yaqooloona salaasatur raabi'uhum kalbuhum wa yaqooloona khamsatun saadisuhum kalbuhum rajmam bilghaib; wa yaqooloona sab'atunw wa saaminuhum kalbuhum; qur Rabbeee a'lamu bi'iddatihim maa ya'lamuhum illaa qaleel; falaa tumaari feehim illaa miraaa'an zaahiranw wa laa tastafti feehim minhum ahadaa (section 3)
  23. Wa laa taqoolanna lishai'in innee faa'ilun zaalika ghadaa
  24. Illaaa any yashaaa'al laah; wazkur Rabbaka izaa naseeta wa qul 'asaaa any yahdiyani Rabbee li aqraba min haazaa rashadaa
  25. Wa labisoo fee kahfihim salaasa mi'atin sineena wazdaadoo tis'aa
  26. Qulil laahu a'lamu bimaa labisoo lahoo ghaibus samaawaati wal ardi absir bihee wa asmi'; maa lahum min doonihee minw waliyyinw wa laa yushriku fee hukmihee ahadaa
  27. Watlu maaa oohiya ilaika min Kitaabi Rabbika laa mubaddila li Kalimaatihee wa lan tajida min doonihee multahadaa
  28. Wasbir nafsaka ma'al lazeena yad'oona Rabbahum bilghadaati wal'ashiyyi yureedoona Wajhahoo wa laa ta'du 'aynaaka 'anhum tureedu zeenatal hayaatid dunyaa wa laa tuti' man aghfalnaa qalbahoo 'an zikrinaa wattaba'a hawaahu wa kaana amruhoo furutaa
  29. Wa qulil haqqu mir Rabbikum faman shaaa'a falyu minw wa man shaaa'a falyakfur; innaaa a'tadnaa lizzaalimeena Naaran ahaata bihim suraadiquhaa; wa iny yastagheesoo yaghaasoo bimaaa'in kalmuhli yashwil wujooh' bi'sash-sharaab; wa saaa'at murtafaqaa
  30. Innal lazeena aamanoo wa 'amilus saalihaati innaa laa nudee'u ajra man ahsana 'amalaa
  31. Ulaaa'ika lahum Jannaatu 'Adnin tajree min tahtihimul anhaaru yuhallawna feehaa min asaawira min zahabinw wa yalbasoona siyaaban khudram min sundusinw wa istabraqim muttaki'eena feehaa 'alal araaa'ik; ni'mas sawaab; wa hasunat murtafaqaa (section 4)
  32. Wadrib lahum masalar rajulaini ja'alnaa li ahadihimaa jannataini min a'naabinw wa hafafnaahumaa binakhilinw wa ja'alnaa bainahumaa zar'aa
  33. Kiltal jannataini aatat ukulahaa wa lam tazlim minhu shai'anw wa fajjarnaa khi laalahumaa naharaa
  34. Wa kaana lahoo samarun faqaala lisaahibihee wa huwa yuhaawiruhoo ana aksaru minka maalanw wa a'azzu nafaraa
  35. Wa dakhala jannatahoo wa huwa zaalimul linafsihee qaala maaa azunnu an tabeeda haaziheee abadaa
  36. Wa maaa azunnus Saa'ata qaaa'imatanw wa la'ir rudittu ilaa Rabbee la ajidanna khairam minhaa munqalabaa
  37. Qaala lahoo saahibuhoo wa huwa yuhaawiruhooo akafarta billazee khalaqaka min turaabin summa min nutfatin summa sawwaaka rajulaa
  38. Laakinaa Huwal laahu Rabbee wa laa ushriku bi Rabbeee ahadaa
  39. Wa law laaa iz dakhalta jannataka qulta maa shaaa'al laahu laa quwwata illaa billaah; in tarani ana aqalla minka maalanw wa waladaa
  40. Fa'asaa Rabeee any yu'tiyani khairam min jannatika wa yursila 'alaihaa husbaanam minas samaaa'i fatusbiha sa'eedan zalaqaa
  41. Aw yusbiha maaa'uhaaa ghawran falan tastatee'a lahoo talabaa
  42. Wa uheeta bisamarihee faasbaha yuqallibu kaffaihi 'alaa maaa anfaqa feehaa wa hiya khaawiyatun 'alaa 'urooshihaa wa yaqoolu yaalaitanee lam ushrik bi Rabbeee ahadaa
  43. Wa lam takul lahoo fi'atuny yansuroonahoo min doonil laahi wa maa kaana muntasiraa
  44. Hunaalikal walaayatu lillaahil haqq; huwa khairun sawaabanw wa khairun 'uqbaa (section 5)
  45. Wadrib lahum masalal hayaatid dunyaa kamaaa'in anzalnaahu minas samaaa'i fakhtalata bihee nabaatul ardi fa asbaha hasheeman tazroo hur riyaah; wa kaanal laahu 'alaa kulli shai'im muqtadiraa
  46. Almaalu walbanoona zeenatul hayaatid dunya wal baaqiyaatus saalihaatu khairun 'inda Rabbika sawaabanw wa khairun amalaa
  47. Wa yawma nusaiyirul jibaala wa taral arda baariza tanw wa hasharnaahum falam nughaadir minhum ahadaa
  48. Wa 'uridoo 'alaa Rabbika saffaa, laqad ji'tumoonaa kamaa khalaqnaakum awala marrah; bal za'amtum allannaj'ala lakum maw'idaa
  49. Wa wudi'al kitaabu fataral mujrimeena mushfiqeena mimmaa feehi wa yaqooloona yaa wailatanaa maa lihaazal kitaabi laa yughaadiru saghee ratanw wa laa kabeeratan illaaa ahsaahaa; wa wajadoo maa 'amiloo haadiraa; wa laa yazlimu Rabbuka ahadaa (Section 6)
  50. Wa iz qulnaa lilma laaa'ikatis judoo li Aadama fasajadooo illaaa Ibleesa kaana minal jinni fafasaqa 'an amri Rabbih; afatattakhizoonahoo wa zurriyatahooo awliyaaa'a min doonee wa hum lakum 'aduww; bi'sa lizzaalimeena badalaa
  51. Maaa ash hattuhum khalqas samaawaati wal ardi wa laa khalqa anfusihim wa maa kuntu muttakizal mudilleena 'adudaa
  52. Wa Yawma yaqoolu naadoo shurakaaa'i yal lazeena za'amtum fada'awhum falam yastajeeboo lahum wa ja'alnaa bainahum maw biqaa
  53. Wa ra al mujrimoonan Naara fazannooo annahum muwaaqi'oohaa wa lam yajidoo 'anhaa masrifaa (section 7)
  54. Wa laqad sarrafnaa fee haazal quraani linnaasi min kulli masal; wa kaanal insaanu aksara shai'in jadalaa
  55. Wa maa mana'an naasa any yu'minooo iz jaaa'ahumul hudaa wa yastaghfiroo Rabbahum illaaa an taatiyahum sunnatul awwaleena aw yaatiyahumul 'azaabu qubulaa
  56. Wa maa nursilul mursaleena illaa mubashshireena wa munzireen; wa yujaadilul lazeena kafaroo bilbaatili liyudhidoo bihil haqqa wattakhazooo Aayaatee wa maaa unziroo huzuwaa
  57. Wa man azlamu mimman zukkira bi ayaati Rabbihee fa-a'rada 'anhaa wa nasiya maa qaddamat yadaah; innaa ja'alnaa 'alaa quloobihim akinnatan any yafqahoohu wa feee aazaanihim waqraa; wa in tad'uhum ilal hudaa falany yahtadooo izan abadaa
  58. Wa Rabbukal Ghafooru zur rahmati law yu'aakhi zuhum bimaa kasaboo la'ajala lahumul 'azaab; bal lahum maw'idul lany yajidoo min doonihee maw'ilaa
  59. Wa tikal quraaa ahlak nahum lammaa zulamoo wa ja'alnaa limahlikihim maw'idaa (section 8)
  60. Wa iz qaalaa Moosaa lifataahu laaa abrahu hattaaa ablugha majma'al bahrayni aw amdiya huqubaa
  61. Falammaa balaghaa majma'a bainihimaa nasiyaa hootahumaa fattakhaza sabeelahoo fil bahri sarabaa
  62. Falammaa jaawazaa qaala lifataahu aatinaa ghadaaa'anaa laqad laqeena min safarinaa haazaa nasabaa
  63. Qaala ara'ayta iz awainaaa ilas sakhrati fa innee naseetul hoota wa maaa ansaaneehu illash Shaitaanu an azkurah; wattakhaza sabeelahoo fil bahri'ajabaa
  64. Qaala zaalika maa kunnaa nabghi; fartaddaa 'alaa aasaari him maa qasasaa
  65. Fa wajadaa 'abdam min 'ibaadinaaa aatainaahu Rahmatam min 'indinaa wa 'allamnaahu mil ladunnaa 'ilmaa
  66. Qaala lahoo Moosaa hal attabi'uka 'alaaa an tu'allimani mimmaa 'ullimta rushdaa
  67. Qaalaa innaka lan tastatee'a ma'iya sabraa
  68. Wa kaifa tasbiru 'alaa maa lam tuhit bihee khubraa
  69. Qaala satajiduneee in shaa 'al laahu saabiranw wa laaa a'see laka amraa
  70. Qaala fa init taba'tanee falaa tas'alnee 'an shai'in hattaaa uhdisa laka minhu zikraa (section 9)
  71. Fantalaqaa hattaaa izaa rakibaa fis safeenati kharaqahaa qaala akharaqtahaa litughriqa ahlahaa laqad ji'ta shai'an imraa
  72. Qaala alam aqul innaka lan tastatee'a ma'iya sabraa
  73. Qaala laa tu'aakhiznee bimaa naseetu wa laa turhiqnee min amree 'usraa
  74. Fantalaqaa hattaa izaa laqiyaa ghulaaman faqatalahoo qaala aqatalta nafsan zakiy yatam bighairi nafs; laqad ji'ta shai'an nukraa (End Juz 15)
  75. Qaala alam aqul laka innaka lan tastatee'a ma'iya sabraa
  76. Qaala in sa altuka 'an shai'im ba'dahaa falaa tusaahibnee qad balaghta mil ladunnee 'uzraa
  77. Fantalaqaa hattaaa izaaa atayaaa ahla qaryatinis tat'amaaa ahlahaa fa abaw any yudaiyifoohumaa fawajadaa feehaa jidaarany yureedu any yanqadda fa aqaamah; qaala law shi'ta lattakhazta 'alaihi ajraa
  78. Qaala haazaa firaaqu bainee wa bainik; sa unabi 'uka bitaaweeli maa lam tastati' 'alaihi sabraa
  79. Ammas safeenatu fakaanat limasaakeena ya'maloona fil bahri fa arattu an a'eebahaa wa kaana waraaa' ahum malikuny yaakhuzu kulla safeenatin ghasbaa
  80. Wa aammal ghulaamu fakaana abawaahu mu'minaini fakhasheenaaa any yurhiqa humaa tughyaananw wa kufraa
  81. Faradnaa any yubdila humaa Rabbuhumaa khairam minhu zakaatanw wa aqraba ruhmaa
  82. Wa ammal jidaaru fakaana lighulaamaini yateemaini fil madeenati wa kaana tahtahoo kanzul lahumaa wa kaana aboohumaa saalihan fa araada Rabbuka any yablughaaa ashuddahumaa wa yastakhrijaa kanzahumaa rahmatam mir Rabbik; wa maa fa'altuhoo 'an amree; zaalika taaweelu maa lam tasti' 'alaihi sabra (Section 10)
  83. Wa yas'aloonaka 'an Zil Qarnaini qul sa atloo 'alaikum minhu zikraa
  84. Innaa makkannaa lahoo fil ardi wa aatainaahu min kulli shai'in sababaa
  85. Fa atba'a sababaa
  86. Hattaaa izaa balagha maghribash shamsi wajadahaaa taghrubu fee 'aynin hami'a tinw wa wajada 'indahaa qawmaa; qulnaa yaa Zal Qarnaini immaaa an tu'az ziba wa immaaa an tattakhiza feehim husnaa
  87. Qaala amaa man zalama fasawfa nu'azzibuhoo summa yuraddu ilaa Rabbihee fa yu 'azzibuhoo azaaban nukraa
  88. Wa ammaa man aamana wa 'amila saalihan falahoo jazaaa'anil husnaa wa sanaqoolu lahoo min amrinaa yusraa
  89. Summa atba'a sababaa
  90. Hattaaa izaa balagha matli'ash shamsi wajdahaa tatlu'u alaa qawmil lam naj'al lahum min doonihaa sitraa
  91. Kazaalika wa qad ahatnaa bimaa ladaihi khubraa
  92. Summa atba'a sababaa
  93. Hattaaa izaa balagha bainas saddaini wajada min doonihimaa qawmal laa yakaa doona yafqahoona qawlaa
  94. Qaaloo yaa Zal qarnaini inna Yaajooja wa Maajooja mufsidoona fil ardi fahal naj'alu laka kharjan 'alaaa an taj'ala bainanaa wa bainahum saddas
  95. Qaala maa makkannee feehi Rabbee khairun fa-a'eenoonee biquwwatin aj'al bainakum wa bainahum radmaa
  96. Aatoonee zubaral hadeed, hattaaa izaa saawaa bainas sadafaini qaalan fukhoo hattaaa izaa ja'alahoo naaran qaala aatooneee ufrigh 'alaihi qitraa
  97. Famas taa'ooo any yazharoohu wa mastataa'oo lahoo naqbaa
  98. Qaala haaza rahmatummir Rabbee fa izaa jaaa'a wa'du Rabbee ja'alahoo dakkaaa'a; wa kaana; wa du Rabbee haqqaa
  99. Wa taraknaa ba'dahum Yawma'iziny yamooju fee ba'dinw wa nufikha fis Soori fajama'naahum jam'aa
  100. Wa 'aradnaa jahannama Yawma'izil lilkaafireena 'ardaa
  101. Allazeena kaanat a'yunuhum fee ghitaaa'in 'an zikree wa kaanoo la yastatee'oona sam'aa (section 11)
  102. Afahasibal lazeena kafarooo any yattakhizoo 'ibaadee min dooneee awliyaaa'; innaaa a'tadnaa jahannama lilkaafi reena nuzulaa
  103. Qul hal nunabbi'ukum bilakhsareena a'maalaa
  104. Allazeena dalla sa'yuhum fil hayaatid dunyaa wa hum yahsaboona annahum yuhsinoona sun'aa
  105. Ulaaa'ikal lazeena kafaroo bi aayaati Rabbihim wa liqaaa'ihee fahabitat a'maaluhum falaa nuqeemu lahum Yawmal Qiyaamati waznaa
  106. Zaalika jazaaa'uhum jahannamu bimaa kafaroo wattakhazooo Aayaatee wa Rusulee huzuwaa
  107. Innal lazeena aamanoo wa 'amilus saalihaati kaanat lahum Jannaatul Firdawsi nuzulaa
  108. Khaalideena feeha la yabghoona 'anhaa hiwalaa
  109. Qul law kaanal bahru midaadal lik Kalimaati Rabbee lanafidal bahru qabla an tanfada Kalimaatu Rabbee wa law ji'naa bimislihee madadaa
  110. Qul innamaaa ana basharum mislukum yoohaaa ilaiya annamaa ilaahukum Ilaahunw Waahid; faman kaana yarjoo liqaaa'a Rabbihee falya'mal 'amalan saalihanw wa laa yushrik bi'ibaadati Rabbiheee ahadaa (section 12)

English Translation:

1. Praise be to Allah, Who hath sent to His Servant the Book, and hath allowed therein no Crookedness:

2. (He hath made it) Straight (and Clear) in order that He may warn (the godless) of a terrible Punishment from Him, and that He may give Glad Tidings to the Believers who work righteous deeds, that they shall have a goodly Reward,

3. Wherein they shall remain for ever:

4. Further, that He may warn those (also) who say, "(Allah) hath begotten a son":

5. No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. It is a grievous thing that issues from their mouths as a saying what they say is nothing but falsehood!

6. Thou wouldst only, perchance, fret thyself to death, following after them, in grief, if they believe not in this Message.

7. That which is on earth we have made but as a glittering show for the earth, in order that We may test them - as to which of them are best in conduct.

8. Verily what is on earth we shall make but as dust and dry soil (without growth or herbage).

9. Or dost thou reflect that the Companions of the Cave and of the Inscription were wonders among Our Sign?

10. Behold, the youths betook themselves to the Cave: they said, "Our Lord! bestow on us Mercy from Thyself, and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!"

11. Then We draw (a veil) over their ears, for a number of years, in the Cave, (so that they heard not):

12. Then We roused them, in order to test which of the two parties was best at calculating the term of years they had tarried!

13. We relate to thee their story in truth: they were youths who believed in their Lord, and We advanced them in guidance:

14. We gave strength to their hearts: Behold, they stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and of the earth: never shall we call upon any god other than Him: if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity!

15. "These our people have taken for worship gods other than Him: why do they not bring forward an authority clear (and convincing) for what they do? Who doth more wrong than such as invent a falsehood against Allah.

16. "When ye turn away from them and the things they worship other than Allah, betake yourselves to the Cave: Your Lord will shower His mercies on you and disposes of your affair towards comfort and ease."

17. Thou wouldst have seen the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left, while they lay in the open space in the midst of the Cave. Such are among the Signs of Allah. He whom Allah, guides is rightly guided; but he whom Allah leaves to stray,- for him wilt thou find no protector to lead him to the Right Way.

18. Thou wouldst have deemed them awake, whilst they were asleep, and We turned them on their right and on their left sides: their dog stretching forth his two fore-legs on the threshold: if thou hadst come up on to them, thou wouldst have certainly turned back from them in flight, and wouldst certainly have been filled with terror of them.

19. Such (being their state), we raised them up (from sleep), that they might question each other. Said one of them, "How long have ye stayed (here)?" They said, "We have stayed (perhaps) a day, or part of a day." (At length) they (all) said, "(Allah) (alone) knows best how long ye have stayed here.... Now send ye then one of you with this money of yours to the town: let him find out which is the best food (to be had) and bring some to you, that (ye may) satisfy your hunger therewith: And let him behave with care and courtesy, and let him not inform any one about you.

20. "For if they should come upon you, they would stone you or force you to return to their cult, and in that case ye would never attain prosperity."

21. Thus did We make their case known to the people, that they might know that the promise of Allah is true, and that there can be no doubt about the Hour of Judgment. Behold, they dispute among themselves as to their affair. (Some) said, "Construct a building over them": Their Lord knows best about them: those who prevailed over their affair said, "Let us surely build a place of worship over them."

22. (Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth among them; (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth,- doubtfully guessing at the unknown; (yet others) say they were seven, the dog being the eighth. Say thou: "My Lord knoweth best their number; It is but few that know their (real case)." Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a matter that is clear, nor consult any of them about (the affair of) the Sleepers.

23. Nor say of anything, "I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow"-

24. Without adding, "So please Allah." and call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest, and say, "I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right road."

25. So they stayed in their Cave three hundred years, and (some) add nine (more)

26. Say: "(Allah) knows best how long they stayed: with Him is (the knowledge of) the secrets of the heavens and the earth: how clearly He sees, how finely He hears (everything)! They have no protector other than Him; nor does He share His Command with any person whatsoever.

27. And recite (and teach) what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy Lord: none can change His Words, and none wilt thou find as a refuge other than Him.

28. And keep thy soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Face; and let not thine eyes pass beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of this Life; nor obey any whose heart We have permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us, one who follows his own desires, whose case has gone beyond all bounds.

29. Say, "The truth is from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it): for the wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces, how dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on!

30. As to those who believe and work righteousness, verily We shall not suffer to perish the reward of any who do a (single) righteous deed.

31. For them will be Gardens of Eternity; beneath them rivers will flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade: They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good the recompense! How beautiful a couch to recline on!

32. Set forth to them the parable of two men: for one of them We provided two gardens of grape-vines and surrounded them with date palms; in between the two We placed corn-fields.

33. Each of those gardens brought forth its produce, and failed not in the least therein: in the midst of them We caused a river to flow.

34. (Abundant) was the produce this man had : he said to his companion, in the course of a mutual argument: "more wealth have I than you, and more honour and power in (my following of) men."

35. He went into his garden in a state (of mind) unjust to his soul: He said, "I deem not that this will ever perish,

36. "Nor do I deem that the Hour (of Judgment) will (ever) come: Even if I am brought back to my Lord, I shall surely find (there) something better in exchange."

37. His companion said to him, in the course of the argument with him: "Dost thou deny Him Who created thee out of dust, then out of a sperm-drop, then fashioned thee into a man?

38. "But (I think) for my part that He is Allah, My Lord, and none shall I associate with my Lord.

39. "Why didst thou not, as thou wentest into thy garden, say: '(Allah)'s will (be done)! There is no power but with Allah.' If thou dost see me less than thee in wealth and sons,

40. "It may be that my Lord will give me something better than thy garden, and that He will send on thy garden thunderbolts (by way of reckoning) from heaven, making it (but) slippery sand!-

41. "Or the water of the garden will run off underground so that thou wilt never be able to find it."

42. So his fruits (and enjoyment) were encompassed (with ruin), and he remained twisting and turning his hands over what he had spent on his property, which had (now) tumbled to pieces to its very foundations, and he could only say, "Woe is me! Would I had never ascribed partners to my Lord and Cherisher!"

43. Nor had he numbers to help him against Allah, nor was he able to deliver himself.

44. There, the (only) protection comes from Allah, the True One. He is the Best to reward, and the Best to give success.

45. Set forth to them the similitude of the life of this world: It is like the rain which we send down from the skies: the earth's vegetation absorbs it, but soon it becomes dry stubble, which the winds do scatter: it is (only) Allah who prevails over all things.

46. Wealth and sons are allurements of the life of this world: But the things that endure, good deeds, are best in the sight of thy Lord, as rewards, and best as (the foundation for) hopes.

47. One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them.

48. And they will be marshalled before thy Lord in ranks, (with the announcement), "Now have ye come to Us (bare) as We created you first: aye, ye thought We shall not fulfil the appointment made to you to meet (Us)!":

49. And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say, "Ah! woe to us! what a Book is this! It leaves out nothing small or great, but takes account thereof!" They will find all that they did, placed before them: And not one will thy Lord treat with injustice.

50. Behold! We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam": They bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? And they are enemies to you! Evil would be the exchange for the wrong-doers!

51. I called them not to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor (even) their own creation: nor is it for helpers such as Me to take as lead (men) astray!

52. One Day He will say, "Call on those whom ye thought to be My partners," and they will call on them, but they will not listen to them; and We shall make for them a place of common perdition.

53. And the Sinful shall see the fire and apprehend that they have to fall therein: no means will they find to turn away therefrom.

54. We have explained in detail in this Qur'an, for the benefit of mankind, every kind of similitude: but man is, in most things, contentious.

55. And what is there to keep back men from believing, now that Guidance has come to them, nor from praying for forgiveness from their Lord, but that (they ask that) the ways of the ancients be repeated with them, or the Wrath be brought to them face to face?

56. We only send the apostles to give Glad Tidings and to give warnings: But the unbelievers dispute with vain argument, in order therewith to weaken the truth, and they treat My Signs as a jest, as also the fact that they are warned!

57. And who doth more wrong than one who is reminded of the Signs of his Lord, but turns away from them, forgetting the (deeds) which his hands have sent forth? Verily We have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this, and over their ears, deafness, if thou callest them to guidance, even then will they never accept guidance.

58. But your Lord is Most forgiving, full of Mercy. If He were to call them (at once) to account for what they have earned, then surely He would have earned, then surely He would have hastened their punishment: but they have their appointed time, beyond which they will find no refuge.

59. Such were the populations we destroyed when they committed iniquities; but we fixed an appointed time for their destruction.

60. Behold, Moses said to his attendant, "I will not give up until I reach the junction of the two seas or (until) I spend years and years in travel."

61. But when they reached the Junction, they forgot (about) their Fish, which took its course through the sea (straight) as in a tunnel.

62. When they had passed on (some distance), Moses said to his attendant: "Bring us our early meal; truly we have suffered much fatigue at this (stage of) our journey."

63. He replied: "Sawest thou (what happened) when we betook ourselves to the rock? I did indeed forget (about) the Fish: none but Satan made me forget to tell (you) about it: it took its course through the sea in a marvellous way!"

64. Moses said: "That was what we were seeking after:" So they went back on their footsteps, following (the path they had come).

65. So they found one of Our servants, on whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught knowledge from Our own Presence.

66. Moses said to him: "May I follow thee, on the footing that thou teach me something of the (Higher) Truth which thou hast been taught?"

67. (The other) said: "Verily thou wilt not be able to have patience with me!"

68. "And how canst thou have patience about things about which thy understanding is not complete?"

69. Moses said: "Thou wilt find me, if Allah so will, (truly) patient: nor shall I disobey thee in aught."

70. The other said: "If then thou wouldst follow me, ask me no questions about anything until I myself speak to thee concerning it."

71. So they both proceeded: until, when they were in the boat, he scuttled it. Said Moses: "Hast thou scuttled it in order to drown those in it? Truly a strange thing hast thou done!"

72. He answered: "Did I not tell thee that thou canst have no patience with me?"

73. Moses said: "Rebuke me not for forgetting, nor grieve me by raising difficulties in my case."

74. Then they proceeded: until, when they met a young man, he slew him. Moses said: "Hast thou slain an innocent person who had slain none? Truly a foul (unheard of) thing hast thou done!"

75. He answered: "Did I not tell thee that thou canst have no patience with me?"

76. (Moses) said: "If ever I ask thee about anything after this, keep me not in thy company: then wouldst thou have received (full) excuse from my side."

77. Then they proceeded: until, when they came to the inhabitants of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused them hospitality. They found there a wall on the point of falling down, but he set it up straight. (Moses) said: "If thou hadst wished, surely thou couldst have exacted some recompense for it!"

78. He answered: "This is the parting between me and thee: now will I tell thee the interpretation of (those things) over which thou wast unable to hold patience.

79. "As for the boat, it belonged to certain men in dire want: they plied on the water: I but wished to render it unserviceable, for there was after them a certain king who seized on every boat by force.

80. "As for the youth, his parents were people of Faith, and we feared that he would grieve them by obstinate rebellion and ingratitude (to Allah and man).

81. "So we desired that their Lord would give them in exchange (a son) better in purity (of conduct) and closer in affection.

82. "As for the wall, it belonged to two youths, orphans, in the Town; there was, beneath it, a buried treasure, to which they were entitled: their father had been a righteous man: So thy Lord desired that they should attain their age of full strength and get out their treasure - a mercy (and favour) from thy Lord. I did it not of my own accord. Such is the interpretation of (those things) over which thou wast unable to hold patience."

83. They ask thee concerning Zul-qarnain. Say, "I will rehearse to you something of his story."

84. Verily We established his power on earth, and We gave him the ways and the means to all ends.

85. One (such) way he followed,

86. Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness."

87. He said: "Whoever doth wrong, him shall we punish; then shall he be sent back to his Lord; and He will punish him with a punishment unheard-of (before).

88. "But whoever believes, and works righteousness,- he shall have a goodly reward, and easy will be his task as We order it by our Command."

89. Then followed he (another) way,

90. Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering protection against the sun.

91. (He left them) as they were: We completely understood what was before him.

92. Then followed he (another) way,

93. Until, when he reached (a tract) between two mountains, he found, beneath them, a people who scarcely understood a word.

94. They said: "O Zul-qarnain! the Gog and Magog (People) do great mischief on earth: shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them?

95. He said: "(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute): Help me therefore with strength (and labour): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them:

96. "Bring me blocks of iron." At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, He said, "Blow (with your bellows)" Then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: "Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead."

97. Thus were they made powerless to scale it or to dig through it.

98. He said: "This is a mercy from my Lord: But when the promise of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it into dust; and the promise of my Lord is true."

99. On that day We shall leave them to surge like waves on one another: the trumpet will be blown, and We shall collect them all together.

100. And We shall present Hell that day for Unbelievers to see, all spread out,-

101. (Unbelievers) whose eyes had been under a veil from remembrance of Me, and who had been unable even to hear.

102. Do the Unbelievers think that they can take My servants as protectors besides Me? Verily We have prepared Hell for the Unbelievers for (their) entertainment.

103. Say: "Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds?-

104. "Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?"

105. They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight.

106. That is their reward, Hell, because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest.

107. As to those who believe and work righteous deeds, they have, for their entertainment, the Gardens of Paradise,

108. Wherein they shall dwell (for aye): no change will they wish for from them.

109. Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid."

110. Say: "I am but a man like yourselves, (but) the inspiration has come to me, that your Allah is one Allah. whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner.

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(1) Arkan e Islam (1) As-salat (2) As-Sami’ (1) ASCETICISM IS THE WAY TO BE LOVED (1) ASMA' BINT ABU BAKR AS-SIDDIQ (1) Attributes and Characteristics of Prophets and Messengers (1) Ayatul Kursi (1) Ayatul Kursi Benefits (1) Ayshah & Muhammad - The True Love Story for Eternity (1) AYSHAH BINT ABU BAKR (1) Ayyub (S) ( أيّوب) (1) BACKBITING AND SLANDER (1) Badnami Se bachne Ka Wazifa (1) Bashair (1) Bashair-al-Khairat (1) basic principle of Islam (4) Basic Principles of Islam (1) Basic Teachings of the Holy Quran (1) Beautiful Dhikr (1) BEAUTIFUL DUAS OF RASULULLAH (PBUH) (1) beauty of islam (1) Beauty of Nature: A Blessing of Allah (1) Belief (1) Belief in Angels (1) BELIEF IN MESSENGERS (1) BELIEF IN THE ANGELS (1) Benefits (1) Benefits of 40 Rabbana (1) Benefits of Ayat-e-Shifa (1) Benefits of Ayatul Kursi (3) benefits of dua akasha (1) Benefits of Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Benefits of Dua Mughni (1) benefits of dua musbaat aashar (1) Benefits of Dua Qadah Muazzam (1) Benefits of Dua Qufal Six (2) Benefits of Dua Suryani (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Akasha (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Aman (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Hajat (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Noor (1) Benefits of Durood Akseer e Azam (1) Benefits of Durood Lakhi (2) Benefits of Durood Muqaddas (2) Benefits of Durood Taj (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Akbar (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Kabristan (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Taaj (1) Benefits of Hizbul Bahr (1) Benefits of Manzil Dua (1) Benefits of Masnoon Duain (1) Benefits of Nad-e-Ali (1) benefits of nade-ali (1) Benefits of Ramadhan (1) Benefits of Surah Ar-Rahman (1) Benefits of Surah Fath (1) benefits of surah waqiah (1) Benefits of Surah Ya-Seen (1) Benefits of Surah Yasin (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Falaq (2) Benefits of Surat Al-Fatiha (2) Benefits of Surat Al-Kafirun (2) Benefits of Surat An-Nas (2) Benefits of Tahajjud Prayer (1) Best Dua for Hajat (1) Best Dua For Travelling – To Have Safe Journey (1) Best Duas from Quran (1) Best Islamic Duas (1) BEST TIMES TO MAKE DUA'A (1) BEWARE OF HATRED AND MALICE IN ISLAM (1) Beware of the satanic idol of desire (1) BID'AH - INNOVATION IN ISLAM (2) Biography of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (1) Biography of Hazrat Zainab Bint Ali رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُمَا (1) Biography of Prophet Muhammad (1) BIRTHDAY: CELEBRATE OR NOT TO CELEBRATE (1) black magic cure (1) black magic treatment (2) Black Stone An Idol? Hajj a Pagan Right? (1) Blasphemy (1) Blessed face of Beloved Mustafa ﷺ (1) Blessed Sahabiyyaat and the sacred relics of the Holy Rasool ﷺ (1) Blessings of Esal e Sawab (1) Blessings of Ramadhan (1) BODY-SOUL CONFLICT (1) Brief biography of khwaja ghreeb nawaz (1) Brief Biography of Hazrat Khadija (SA) (1) Burial: What to do (1) Burjoon Ke Taluqaat (1) Can I Be A Secular Muslim? (1) Can plague enter Mecca and Medina? (1) Causes of Inheritance (1) CHANGE OF QIBLAH (1) Charitable Giving and its Benefits (1) CHEATING AND DECEPTION (1) Children's Education in Islam (1) COMMON MISTAKES IN HAJJ (1) Concept of God in Islam (2) CONCEPT OF TAWBAH IN ISLAM (REPENTANCE) (1) Conditions for the Validity of Prayer (1) Contemplations for the One Performing Hajj (1) Cordoba Mosque (1) Coronavirus: What The Prophet Might Have Done? (1) COURAGE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM) (1) Crowdfunding from the Prophetic Seerah (1) cure of black magic (1) cure of magic (1) Cure with Manzil Dua (1) Curing Stress With The Help Of Holy Quran (1) Cursing is Prohibited in Islam (1) Daily Duas (2) Daily Morning Azkar (1) Dalail al-Khayrat (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Eight (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Five (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Four (1) Dalail al-Khayrat Manzil One (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Seven (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Six (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Three (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Two (1) Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat (1) Darood Mustaghas (1) DAROOD SHAREEF (1) Darood Tanjeena Benefits (1) DAUGHTERS - A WAY TO PARADISE (1) DAUGHTERS OF Allah’s Rasool MUHAMMAD (pbuh) (1) Day Of Demise (1) Dealing with difficulties: flee to Allah! (1) Death (2) Death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (1) DEFINITION OF SULUK (1) DHIKR AND TASBIH FROM THE SUNNAH (1) Dhikr at-Tasbih (1) dhikr of allah (1) Did Prophet Muhammad assassinate his critics? (1) Did You Know This About Quran?! (1) Differnt Types of Hadith And Their Meanings (1) Disbelief (1) Discription of heaven in islam (1) Diseases of the Soul and their Treatment (1) Dissolution of Marriage in the Shari'a (1) DO NOT LOSE HOPE OF THE MERCY OF ALLAH! (1) DO YOU EAT THE SUNNAH WAY? (1) Does Allah exist in a place? A man in the sky? (1) DOES ISLAM GIVE A FATHER THE RIGHT TO FORCE HIS DAUGHTER TO MARRY? (2) Dome of the Rock (1) DON'T MISS RAMADAN'S FIRST NIGHT (1) DRESS CODE OF MUSLIM WOMEN (1) DU’AS MADE BY HAJI FOR OTHERS (1) dua (1) Dua -e-Isteaza (1) Dua -e-Istejab (1) Dua -e-Istekhara (1) Dua -e-Shukeranhar (1) dua akasha (1) Dua Akasha Benefits (1) Dua Collection (1) Dua e Hajat Benefits (1) Dua for Entering Paradise (1) Dua for Graveyard (1) Dua for Hajat (1) Dua for Laylatul Qadr That Every Muslim Should Recite (1) Dua for Namaz Qaza Umri (1) dua for protection (2) Dua for Ramazan (1) Dua for seeing Rasool Allah in Dream (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Benefits (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Wazaif (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Wazifa (1) Dua Haikal Seven (1) Dua Masura Urdu (1) Dua Mughni (1) Dua Mughni Benefits (1) Dua Mughni Benefits Wazaif (1) Dua Mughni Benefits Wazifa (1) dua musbbar aashar (1) dua nade ali (1) dua nade ali in arabic (1) Dua of Hazart Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra) (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Benefits (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Wazaif (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Wazifa (1) Dua Qufal Six (2) Dua Qufal Six Benefits (2) Dua Saifi (1) Dua Saifi Benefits (1) Dua Selection (1) Dua Shuker-e-Allah (1) Dua Sunat-e-Asar (1) Dua Supplications (2) Dua Suryani (1) Dua Suryani Benefits (2) Dua Suryani Wazaif (1) Dua Suryani Wazifa (1) Dua Syed-ul-istighfar (2) Dua-e-Akasha (1) Dua-e-Akasha Benefits (1) Dua-e-Akasha Wazifa (1) Dua-e-Aman (3) Dua-e-Aman Benefits (1) Dua-e-Aman Wazaif (1) Dua-e-Aman Wazifa (1) Dua-e-Hajat (3) Dua-e-Hajat Benefits (1) Dua-e-Istikhara - Istikhara Ki Dua (1) Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Benefits (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Wazaif (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Wazifa (1) Dua-e-kanoot (1) Dua-e-Masura (1) Dua-e-Mustajaab (1) Dua-e-Noor (1) Dua-e-Noor Benefits (1) Dua-e-Noor in English (1) Dua-e-Qanoot (1) Dua-e-Suryani (1) Duaa Hajat (1) Duain (2) Duas from Quran (2) Duas Manzil (1) Durood Akseer e Azam (2) Durood Akseer e Azam Benefits (1) Durood Ali (1) Durood Barkat (1) Durood e Tunajjina Benefits (1) Durood Friday (1) Durood Kibrit Ahmar (1) Durood Lakhi (2) Durood Lakhi Benefits (2) Durood Muqaddas (2) Durood Muqaddas Benefits (2) Durood Rehmat (1) Durood Selection (1) Durood Shareef (1) Durood shfiaat (1) Durood Taj (1) durood tanjeena (1) Durood-e-Akbar (1) Durood-e-Akbar Benefits (1) Durood-e-Ali (1) Durood-e-Dawaami (1) Durood-e-Fath (1) Durood-e-ibrahimi (1) Durood-e-Nahariya (1) Durood-e-Quraani (1) durood-e-taaj (2) Durood-e-Tanjeena (1) Easy Good Deeds (1) Eating and Drinking Conduct of Prophet Muhammad (1) EATING OF PORK FORBIDDEN IN ISLAM? (1) Effective Anger Management In Islam (1) Effective Way of Communication According to Sunnah (1) Eid Milad un-Nabi in Pakistan (1) Elderly Care (1) ELEVEN SIGNS OF LOVE FOR THE BELOVED PROPHET (1) Eman Mufassil (1) Eman Mujamal (1) Embracing ISLAM (1) Entering Mecca’s Grand Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haram) (1) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN ISLAM (1) ENVY IS A DANGEROUS HEART DISEASE (1) Equal protection of law for Muslims and non-Muslims (1) Equality and equity in Islam (1) even enemies (1) Evening Azkar (1) Everyday Duas (1) Everything Allah decrees is good for the believer (1) Everything You Need to Know about Hajr e Aswad (1) Evil Eye Protection (1) Expect the best from Allah (1) Facts about Muslim People (1) Facts about the Holy Quran (1) Faith Of The Parents Of The Holy Nabi (1) Fariduddin Ganjshakar (1) Fast of the 15th Sha'ban (1) Fasting (2) FASTING FOR KIDS (1) Fasting in the Month of Rajab (1) Favourite foods of Beloved Rasool (1) Fazilat ki raatein (1) FEAR ALLAH WHEREVER YOU ARE (1) Feed your Soul! (1) Feeling Eagerness for the Prayer (2) Feeling hopeless and depressed? (1) Festival of The Sacrifice (1) Festivals of Muslims (1) Finding our True Eid (1) First Revelation (1) First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah: Days of Virtue And Righteous Deeds (1) FLIGHT JANAZAH (1) FOCUS ON YOUR CHARACTER (1) Follow your conscience in Islam (1) FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH (1) Forbiddance Of Racism In Islam (1) FORGIVENESS IN THE QURAN AND SUNNAH (1) FORGIVENESS: A PROPHETIC EXAMPLE (1) Forty Hadith on Knowledge (1) Forty Hadith on Purification of the Heart (1) Freedom (1) friday reading (1) Friends of Allah (1) Friendship Criterion According to The Quran And Islam (1) From Early Beginnings to Modern-Day Sunnism (1) Funeral Rites and Regulations in Islam (1) Gender Equity in Islam (1) GHAUS - A - AZAM SHAYKH ABDUL QADIR JILANI R.A (1) Ghusl (1) GIVE GOOD TIDINGS TO THE PATIENT (1) god and his creation (1) God does not resemble the Creation (1) GOOD DEEDS ERASE BAD DEEDS (1) Good Deeds you should do during Ramadan (1) GOOD HABITS FOR NEW MUSLIMS TO DEVELOP (1) Grand Intercession of the Prophet MuHammad (1) Green Color in Islam Perspective (2) HADITHS ABOUT HAJ (1) haj (1) Hajj (2) Hajj in Pre-Islamic Times (1) Hajj: The Fifth Pillar of Islam (1) HALA SULTAN: THE HIDDEN JEWEL OF CYPRUS (1) HALAL OR MAKROOH? (1) Happiness (1) HARD WORK AND RESPONSIBILITY IN ISLAM (2) Hazrat Abu Hurraria (R.A) (1) Hazrat Abu Hurraria (R.A) – Leading Narrator Of Ahadiths (1) Hazrat Aisha bint Abi Bakr r.a. (1) Hazrat Khadija R.A. (1) Hazrat Madhu Lal Hussain R.A (1) HAZRAT SAYEDNA BILAL HABASHI (1) Hazrat Umar (R.A) Life History (1) He Understands All Languages (1) HE WHO KNOWS HIMSELF KNOWS GOD (1) Heal Black Magic By Quran (1) HEALTH DANGERS OF TATTOOS AND ITS PROHIBITION IN ISLAM (1) Health guidelines from Quran and Sunnah (1) HELP YOUR CHILDREN TO LOVE THE HOLY QUR’AN (1) History (1) HISTORY OF ISLAM (1) History of the compilation of Quran (1) Hizbul Bahr (1) Hizbul Bahr Benefits (1) Holy Hadith about Durood Sharif Prophet (p.b.u.h.) (1) HONESTY MARKED PROPHET'S MANNERS (1) Honored Angels in Islam (1) How do Muslims treat the elderly? (1) How do you disbelieve in Allah!!! (1) How do you know if anything is REAL? (1) How important is water management in Islam? (1) How Islam is A Complete Code of Life? (1) HOW PRAYER BENEFITS A BELIEVER’S SOUL (1) HOW SCORES WILL BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF RESURRECTION (1) how to Ablution (1) How to be a Mindful Muslim (1) HOW TO BE A VIP ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT (1) how to become a muslim (1) How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim (3) HOW TO CURE LAZINESS? (1) how to do Istikhara (1) HOW TO EAT IN ISLAM (1) HOW TO EXPRESS GRATITUDE? (1) How to invite non-Muslims to Islam? (1) How to Kiss Hajr e Aswad During Hajj (1) HOW TO LOVE OUR HOLY PROPHET ﷺ (1) HOW TO MAKE DUA’ (1) How to Perform Hajj (2) How to perform Salat-l-Istikhara (1) How to Pray in Islam (1) How To Pray Namaz (1) How to Pray Salah (1) How To Repent On Your Sins (1) HOW TO SEEK BENEFIT IN YOUR RECITATION OF QUR’AN (1) How to Stay Safe from Difficulties? (1) HOW TO UNITE THE ISLAMIC UMMAH?? (2) HUDHAYFAH IBN AL-YAMAN (1) Human Rights in Islam (1) Humility (1) Ibn Abbas’s deep insight into the Qur’an. (1) IDEAL PERSONALITY OF MUSLIM (1) IF THEY WOULD ONLY PUT THEIR TRUST IN ALLAH (1) Ikhlas in Islam (1) ILM UL GHAYB- THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNSEEN (1) IMAM AL-BUKHARI AND THE SCIENCE OF HADITH (1) Imam Ali (RA)-Birth Aniversary In The Month Of Rajab (1) IMAM MUHAMMAD SAEED RAMADAN AL-BOUTI (1) IMAN - BELIEF (1) Iman Mufassal (1) Iman Mujmal (1) Impeccable Character of Siddeeq-e-Akbar (1) Impediments of Inheritance (1) Importance (1) Importance and Benefits of Reciting Ayatul Kursi (1) Importance And Major Events Of Dhu al-Qidah Islamic Month (1) Importance And Major Events Of Shawwal Islamic Month (1) Importance of Da`wah (Preaching) In Islam (1) Importance of Khushu in our prayer (1) Importance of Muslim Brotherhood in Quran and Sunnah (2) Importance of Saying Salaam (1) IMPORTANCE OF SEEKING KNOWLEDGE (2) Importance of Tafsir (1) Importance of Time in Islam (1) Importance of Time in The Light of Surah Al Asr (1) Importance of Wudu (1) Improving Child Discipline is Improving Ourselves (2) Improving Concentration and Prerequisites of Offering Prayers (1) INCREASE YOUR FAITH (IMAAN) AND EARN REWARDS (1) Introduction to Islam (1) Introduction to Islam in Spanish (1) Introduction to Methodology for Study of the Quran (1) Introduction To The Numeric Miracles (1) Is it a punishment or a trial? (1) Is Life Insurance Haram or Halal In Islam? (1) Is Prophet Muhammad better than other Prophets? (1) IS SMOKING HARAM (1) IS TAWASSUL SHIRK? (1) Is there offensive jihad in Islam? (1) Isha Prayer and Its Benefits (1) Islam (4) Islam - Elevation of Women's Status (1) Islam And Different Types Of Health (1) Islam and Honor Killings (1) Islam and muslim (2) Islam and Muslims (2) islam and other religions (1) Islam and Prayer (2) ISLAM AND TOLERANCE (1) Islam at a Glance (1) Islam Facts (1) ISLAM HAS ONLY ONE GOD (1) ISLAM IN AUSTRALIA (1) Islam in Moderation? – The Moderate Muslim Debate (1) Islam in the Middle of Christianity (1) Islam in the United States (1) Islam is a Religion of Peace (1) Islam is mercy for the entire creation (1) islam is your birthright (1) islam ky arkan (1) Islam Religion Encourages Learning (1) Islam: Misunderstood throughout the World (1) Islam's and the Quran's View of Animal Welfare (1) Islam’s Outcasts (1) Islam's Position on Polygamy (1) Islam's Ruling on Marriage (1) Islamic Architecture (1) Islamic Dua (2) islamic duain (1) Islamic Duas (2) Islamic Identity (1) Islamic Legal Rules of Fasting (1) Islamic Life | Islamic Way of Life (1) Islamic Months Names List (1) Islamic Prayer Times & Qiblah of Cities Worldwide (1) ISLAMIC TEACHINGS & MODERN MEDICINE (1) Islamic Tips On How To Be Happy And Relieve Stress (1) Islamic wazifa for Marriage (1) islamic wazifa for rizk (1) islamic wazifa for rizk in urdu (1) islamic wazifa for rizq (1) Isra And Me’raj (1) Isra and Miraj: The Miraculous Night Journey (1) Istikhara (1) Istikhara benefits (1) Istikhara in islam (1) Istikhara in quran (1) Itikaf in Ramadan (1) Its Meaning and Importance (1) Janaza Prayer (1) JEALOUSY – A SIN (1) JEALOUSY DESTROYS HAPPINESS OF LIFE (1) Jerusalem (1) Jesus in Islam (1) Jihad against the soul in Islam (1) Jihad and its Types (1) Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice (1) job ke liye wazifa (1) Journey of Mi'raaj (1) Justice and fairness for all in Islam (1) Justice and Merits of Islam in the Distribution of Inheritance (1) JUSTICE OF CALIPH UMAR IBN AL KHATTAB (1) KaIima-e-Tayyabah (1) kalima-e-astaghfar (1) Kalima-e-Shahaadat (1) Kalima-e-tamjeed (1) Kalima-e-Tauhid (1) Kalimah-e-Astaghfar (1) Kalimah-e-Rud-e-Kuffr (1) Kalimah-e-Shahaadat (1) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed (1) Kalimah-e-Tauhid (1) Kalimah-e-Tayyabah (1) Karz Utarne ka Wazifa (1) Karz Utarne ke Dua (1) KEEPING PEOPLE’S FAULTS A SECRET (1) Key to Paradise in Islam (1) KHADIJAH BINT KHUWAYLID (1) Khalifa in Islam (1) Khalifa meaning (1) Khawja ghulam farid (1) Kinds of Water In Holy Quran (1) knows his Lord (1) KSA (2) La Condición de la Mujer en el Islam (1) La Mujer en el Islam (1) Laylat ul Qadr (1) Learn How to Make Wudu Step by Step for Kids Adults (1) Let’s Speak About Moses In Quran For Some! (1) LETS KNOW HIM (1) Life (1) LIFE AND THE LAST DAY (1) Life History of Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) (1) Life of Fatimah al-Zahra (a.s) (1) Life of Imam Hassan (a.s) (1) Life Of Prophet Muhammad (1) LIST OF 75 GOOD MANNERS IN THE QURAN (1) List of Ziyarat Places in Makah during Hajj and Umrah (1) LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE OF CONSCIENCE (1) LITERARY ASPECTS OF THE QUR’AN (1) Love (2) LOVE FOR ALLAH (1) Madina history (1) Madina munawara city. (1) Magic Cure with Manzil Dua (1) Magic in Islam (1) magic treatment (1) Major Personality Traits Of The Believers In Islam (1) Major Sins (1) Makkah (1) Makkah-The Holy City In Islam (1) Manzil (1) Manzil Dua (1) Manzil Dua Benefits (1) Manzil Dua for cure (1) Manzil Dua in Islam (1) Manzil Dua in Quran (1) MARRIAGE IN ISLAM. (1) Marriage Istikhara (1) Marriage: Goals (1) Masjid Nabawi: The Prophet's Mosque in Madinah (1) masnoon adhkar (1) masnoon duain (2) Masnoon Duain Benefits (1) MASNOON DUAIN FROM QURAN AND HADITH (1) Masnoon Duain with English and Urdu Translation (1) Mawlid (1) Mawlid Celebrations (1) MEANING OF JUSTICE IN ISLAM (1) meaning of nade ali (1) Meaning Of SubhanAllah (1) MEDICAL BENEFITS OF PROSTRATION (1) Medina Charter of Prophet Muhammad and Pluralism (1) MEN WEARING GOLD AND SILK IN ISLAM (1) Mercy For The Whole World (1) MERIT OF SHARING FOOD (1) message of islam (1) Method And Regulations Of Sajdah (Prostration) Tilawat (1) method of Istikhara (1) Mindfulness in the Quran and Sunnah (2) Misconceptions Related To Muslims (1) MISWAK - NATURAL TOOTHBRUSH (1) modesty (1) monday reading (1) Morning Azkar (1) MOSQUE ETIQUETTE (1) Most Common Mistakes to Avoid In Offering Salah (1) Mount Paran (1) Muhammad (1) MUHAMMAD (PBUH) IN THE PARSI SCRIPTURES (1) Muhammad [SAW] : Hijra To Madina (1) Muhammad is the prophet and founder of Islam. (1) Muhammad SAW’s Love For Children (1) MUHAMMAD ﷺ- THE UNIVERSAL MESSENGER (1) Muhammad: The Messenger of God (1) Muharram (1) Muslim Brotherhood in Quran (1) Muslim Husband (1) Muslim women’s right to divorce (1) Muslims and Sadaqah (1) Must a Muslim woman cover her face? (1) My First Umrah: A Story Of My Blessed Trip (1) nad e ali (1) nad e ali english translation (1) Nad-e-Ali (1) Nad-e-Ali Wazifa (1) Nad-e-Ali Benefits (1) nad-e-ali translation in english (1) Nad-e-Ali Wazaif (1) namaz (3) Namaz Awabeen (1) Namaz Chasht (1) Namaz Hajat (1) Namaz Ishraq (1) Namaz Istikhara (1) namaz qaza (1) namaz qaza umri (1) Namaz Tahajjud (1) Namaz Taraweeh (1) Namaz Tasbeeh (1) namaz-e-janaza (1) Namazon ke Qaza (1) name of Allah (1) Names & Attributes of God (1) Nazar e Bad (1) Nazar e Bad ka ilaj (1) Nazar e Bad ka islami ilaj (1) Nazar e Bad ka khatma (1) Nazar e Bad ka Tor (1) Nazar e Bad ke Dua (1) Nazar e Bad se bachwo (1) Neighbor in Islam (1) NEVER LOSE HOPE OF ALLAH'S MERCY (1) Never Shed Your Leaves (1) New Muslim woman married to non-Muslim man? (1) Night Prayer (1) Night Prayers in Ramadan/Fasting (1) No theology of rape in Islam (1) not Value (1) Number 7 in the Holy Quran (1) O Allah (1) Obedience to parents and its limits (1) ON THE TYPES OF ZIKR (REMEMBRANCE OF GOD) (1) One Wazifa for All Problems- Dafa e Pareshani (1) Our Humanness: Unalterable Essence and Changeable Actuality (1) Overcoming depression and anxiety with Islam (1) Overcoming your enemies and becoming close to Allah (1) paani peene ke adaab ;islaam (1) Palestine (1) Paradise and Hellfire in Islam (2) Paradise In Islam: Not Just A Dream! (1) PARADISE IS FOR BELIEVING MEN AND WOMEN (1) Pareshani Door Karne ka Wazifa (1) Past and Future (1) Patience in Islam (1) PATIENCE IN THE QURAN (1) Patience with trials and tribulations in Islam (1) Peace (1) Peaceful Nights (1) Perform Hajj (1) Piety is the Highest Standard of Excellence (1) Pilgrimage (1) pillars of islam (1) Poweful Dua Mughni (1) power of dua (1) Power of Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Power of Dua-e-Hajat (1) Power of Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Power of Dua-e-Noor (1) Power of Istighfar and its Benefits from Quran (2) powerful dua (1) powerful dua for rizq (1) Powerful Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Powerful Dua-e-Akasha (1) Powerful Dua-e-Aman (1) Powerful Dua-e-Hajat (1) Powerful Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Powerful Dua-e-Noor (1) powerful wazifa for rizq (1) powerfull dua (1) Prayer (3) PRAYERS OF REPENTANCE (1) Praying with congregation in the Mosque (1) Predestination of Good and Evil. Destiny Qadar (1) Preservation (1) Prevention of Boasting (1) Promises of Allah in Quran (2) Prophet (1) Prophet (pbuh) in building an ideal society (1) Prophet Ibrahim (asws): The Friend of Allah (swt) (1) Prophet MuHammad Praised in Al Qur’ân (1) Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Diet (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD’S LOVE OF THE POOR (1) Prophet Muhammad's praised Manners (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD’S SMILE (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S TREATMENT TO NON-MUSLIMS (1) PROPHET SALIH (PBUH) AND HIS CAMEL (1) PROPHET’S CONSULTATION WITH HIS COMPANIONS (1) Prophet's Farewell Pilgrimage (1) Prophets and Messengers of God (1) Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail and the Ka'bah (1) Protect his Faith: Avoid Apostasy (1) Protect Us from Ourselves (1) Protection (1) Purification from the spiritual disease of hatred in Islam (1) Purification of Mind and Soul in Islam (1) PURIFICATION OF THE SOUL (1) Purpose & Importance of Wudu (1) Purpose and Definition The Definition of Marriage (Nikah) (1) purpose for creation (1) Purpose of Life According to Islam; Quranic Verses (1) Pyare Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam ki Pyari SUNNATEIN (1) Qarz ka Wazifa (1) Qarz ki Adaigi ka Wazifa (1) Qarz ki Adaigi ke Dua (1) qaza (1) qaza namazin (1) Qaza umri ada karne ka tareka (1) qaza umri namaz ka tariqa (1) Questions about Black Stone (1) Questions Allah will Ask (1) Quotes And Life of Zainab Bint Ali (RA) (1) QUR’AN (1) Qur’an and Our Youth: How to bring the Qur’an close to their Hearts (1) quran (2) Quran As the Ultimate Source of History (1) quran rizq ki dua (1) Quran Tilawat (1) qurani dua (1) Qurani Dua Wazifa to Win a Court Case (1) qurani duain (2) Qurani Masnoon Duain (1) qurani surah benefits (2) Qurani Wazaif Collection (1) qurani wazifa for rizq (1) Quranic Duain (1) Quranic Duas (2) Quranic Masnoon Duain (1) Quranic Prayers (2) Quranists (1) Qurbani in Islam (1) rabbana (1) rabbana in qurani (1) Raising Children in Islam (1) RAISING YOUR CHILD TO BE A MUSLIM (1) ramadan (1) Ramadan 'Eed Al-Fitr (1) Ramadan & Completing the Quran (1) Ramadan; The Chief of all the Months (1) Ramadhan (1) Ramadhan Khulasa-e-Quran (1) Ramazan (1) Ramazan Ki Dua (1) Ramazan Wazaif (1) Ramzan (1) Read All Ahadith (1) Read quran (1) reading of a week (1) Reasons Why We Should Read the Holy Quran (1) Reflecting on the Sunnah derived from the Sirah (1) Refutation of Allegations Raised about the Distribution of Inheritance in Islam (1) regard to issues of shirk and kufr (1) RELATIONS BETWEEN MUSLIMS AND NON-MUSLIMS (1) REMEMBER ME AND I SHALL REMEMBER YOU (1) REMEMBRANCE OF ALLAH (1) Rewards of Reciting the Qur'anic Surahs (1) Rights of animals in Islam (1) Rights of Daughters in Islam (1) Rights of Neighbors In Islam (2) Rope of Allah – Islamic Poem (1) roza (1) Rules of Tahajjud Prayer (1) Ruling on cutting nails during the monthly cycle (1) Ruling on one who apostatises repeatedly (1) Ruqyah (1) Sahih al-Bukhari (1) Salaam (1) Salaat al-Tawbah (the Prayer of Repentance) (1) SALADIN: A BENEVOLENT MAN (1) SALAHUDDIN AYUBI AND THE BATTLE OF HITTIN (1) Salat (2) Salat Al-Jama'ah (1) Salat: the Mi’raj of the believer (1) Salatul Hajat (1) Salatul Hajat Namaj ka Tariqa aur Hajat Dua (1) salawat (1) Salutation (1) SATAN'S GATEWAYS TO THE HEART (1) saturaday reading (1) SAYINGS OF THE MESSANGER OF ALLAH (PBUH) (1) Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib (1) Science Proves Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah Prevents Brain Damage in New Borns (1) Seeking knowledge and learning for life in Islam (1) Segregation of Women in Islam: Separate Venue (1) selected dua (1) Shab e Meraj (1) Shaban in Islam (1) Shahadah (1) Should a Muslim man marry a second wife? (1) Siege Of Blessed Home Of Blessed Nabi (1) Significance (1) Significance Of Salah (1) Significance of Taqwa (Piety) According to the Holy Quran (1) Significance of the Islamic Calendar Months (1) Significance of the Month of Shaban (1) Sincerity and deeds (1) Sins Got You Down And You Don't Know How To Stop?? (1) Sirat Al-Mustaqim In Islam (1) Six Easy Ways to Maximize the Barakah in Ramadan (1) SIX TIPS TO RECHARGE YOUR IMAN (1) SLAVES IN ISLAM (1) SMILE! IT'S SUNNAH (1) Smiling is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Some Beautiful Places to Visit in Medina (1) Some Essential Everyday Duas (1) Some Life Changing Lessons from Holy Quran (1) Some Simple Ways to Earn Allah’s Mercy (1) Spain (1) SPEECH ON PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W.S.) AND MESSAGE OF ISLAM (1) SPIRITUAL BENEFITS OF PRAYER (1) Squandering and Miserliness (1) Starve Your Ego (1) Status of Teachers in Islam | Rights of Teachers (1) STOP WASTING TIME IN GOSSIP (1) Story of Hafsa and Maria in Surat al-Tahrim (1) STORY OF PROPHET NUH (PBUH) (1) Story of Prophet Yusuf/Joseph (pbuh) (1) Story of The People of the Cave (1) Story of the Prophet Musa (AS) (1) Study of Quran (1) Sufi (1) Sufism (2) Summary of Juz 1 (1) Sunan and Manners Of Travelling (1) Sunan of Anger: What a Muslim should do when angry (1) sunday reading (1) Sunnah (1) Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) (1) sunni (2) Superior Day - for Righteous Deeds (1) SUPPLICATION AFTER ADHAN (1) SUPPLICATION BEFORE SLEEPING (1) SUPPLICATION IN HAJJ (1) Surah An Najm (1) Surah At Tur (1) Surah Fatiha (1) surah ikhlas (1) Surah Kalma (1) Surah Muhammad (S.A.W) – History (1) surah waqiah (1) Surah Ya-sin (1) surah yaseen (1) surah yaseen Benefits (1) Surah Yaseen ka Amal (1) Surah Yaseen ka Anmol Amal (1) Surah Yaseen ka Wazaif (1) Surah Yaseen Wazifa (1) Surah Yaseen Wazifa for Problems (1) surah Yaseen with 7 Mubeen (1) Surah Yaseen with Seven Mubeen (1) Surah Yasin (1) Surah Yasin 7 Mubeen (1) Surah Yasin 7 Mubeen Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin Benefits (1) Surah Yasin Mubeen Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin with English Transliteration (1) Surat Al Kahf (1) surat waqiah (1) TABARRUK (RELICS) (1) Tahajjud Prayer (2) Take Advantage of Five before Five (1) Talaq Quran Ki Roshni Mein (1) Tangdasti Door Karne ka Wazifa (1) Tangdasti Door Karne ke Dua (1) tangdasti ka hal (1) Tangdasti ka Wazifa (1) tangdasti ki Dua (1) TAQLEED AND FOLLOWING A MAZHAB (1) Taqwa (1) Tasbih – How to recite Salatul Tasbih & its benifits (1) Tawaf-e-kaaba (1) Tawheed – Its Importance and its Benefits (1) tawizaat (1) tawizat (1) The 23 kinds of Water mentioned in the Quran (1) THE ADVANTAGES OF AYATUL KURSI (1) The Anti-Terrorism Stand And Preaching Of Islam (1) The Attributes Of Allâh God (1) The Beginning of Creation. Water is The First Creature (1) The Benefits of Reciting Durood Shareef (1) The best of you in Islam (1) The Best Time to Study the Qur’an (2) The Big Questions: Who Made Us? (1) THE BODY IS A BLESSING (1) THE BROTHERHOOD BETWEEN BELIEVERS (1) The Call of Ibrahim (1) THE CHILDREN OF THE PROPHET (PBUH) (1) The Components of Wudoo (1) The Concept Of Begging In Islam (1) The Concept of Thankfulness in Islam (1) THE CONDITIONS OF LA ILAHA ILLA-LLAH (1) THE DAY OF ASHURA IN ISLAM (2) The definition of faith in Islam (1) The Description of Prophet MuHammad (1) The Differences Between Woman and Man (1) The Different Types of Voluntary Prayers (1) The Earth – Islamic Poem (1) The Essentials Of Islamic Belief (1) THE EXCELLENCE OF LEARNING THE QURAN (1) THE EXCELLENCE OF THE SUNNAH SOLAH (1) The Favours Of The Noblest Rasool To The World (1) THE FEET IN SALAAT (1) The Finality of Prophethood (1) THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS (1) THE FORGIVENESS OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) SHOWN TO NON-MUSLIMS (1) The Four Revealed Books in Islam (1) The Full and Complete Isra and Miraj Story (1) The Full Story of Hussain (1) The Fundamentals of Islamic Belief (1) The Gifts of Miraaj Night (1) The Grandeur of Friends of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ (1) The Grave (Qabr) (1) The Great Benefits of Surah Al-Fatiha (1) The Great Significance (1) THE HAJJ RITUALS (1) The History and Development of Islam (1) The History of the Prophet Jesus (`ISA) Muslim (1) the Holiest Month for Muslims (1) The House Of Allah (1) The Importance of Distributing Inheritance (1) The importance of halal investing (1) THE IMPORTANCE OF LOVING AWLIYA (1) The Importance of Prayer (1) The Inner Dimensions of Hajj (1) THE INSPIRING QUR’AN (1) The Islamic new year: a time for growth and improvement (1) The Islamic State of Medina (1) The Ka’aba (1) THE KINDNESS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) The Kinds of Manners in Islam and Its Verses (1) The Life of this World is Fleeting Enjoyment (1) The Manners of Children Towards Parents (1) The Manners of Cutting Nails in Islam (1) THE MARRIAGE PROCESS IN ISLAM (1) The marvel of positive thinking in Islam (1) THE MEANING OF " INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAAJI'OON" (1) The meaning of spiritual excellence in Islam (1) The Migration Al-Hijrah of Prophet MuHammad from Mecca to Medina (1) The Miracle of Islamic Science (1) The Miracles of Islam (1) The Miracles of the Prophets (1) THE MIRACULOUS NATURE OF THE QURAN (1) THE NEED FOR CONSULTATION (MUSHĀWARA) (1) The Night Journey! (1) The Night of Bara'ah (1) The noble birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) (1) The Obligatory Conditions For An Islamic Hijab (1) The One Sure Way To Be Happy (1) The Origin of the Quran (1) The Pillars of Prayer and its conditions of validity (1) THE POWER OF DUA (1) The Prayer Of Need (1) The Prophet (pbuh) had a rest in the afternoon. (1) The Prophet Mosque Madinah (1) THE PROPHET SULAIMAN (peace be upon him) (1) THE PUBLIC CALL OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) The Punishment of Being Sinful (1) The Purpose of Creation (1) The Purpose of Life: Reason and Revelation (1) THE PURPOSE OF LIFE… (1) THE PURPOSE OF MAN’S CREATION (1) The Purposes of Believing in Allah for Muslims (1) The Qur'an and Scientific Advancement (1) The Quran and Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (1) THE QURAN ON THE CEREBRUM (1) The Quran-A Master Key (1) The Quranic Meaning of Iman (1) The right way to defend Islam (1) The Rise of Islam (1) THE ROOT OF ISLAM (1) The Roots of a Tolerant Sect of Islam (1) The secret to a tranquil heart (1) THE SIN OF ABORTION (1) The Sin of Hurting the Parents (1) THE SPIRIT OF RAMADAN (1) The Spiritual Purity (1) The Status Of Women In Islam (1) The Story of Adam (1) The Story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) (1) The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (as) (1) The story of Yusuf (alayhi salaam) (1) The Story of Zam Zam water (1) The Struggle to Reclaim Jihad (1) The Truth About People Who Associate Lies With Quran (1) THE UNIVERSAL MESSAGE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD ﷺ (1) The Virgin Mary: Maryam al-Batul (1) THE VIRTUE OF NURTURING GIRLS (1) THE WATER OF ZAMZAM (1) The Wifes of The Holy Prophet of Allah Muhammad’r Rasoolullah (s.a.w.s.) (1) The Wisdom Behind Prescribing Inheritance (1) THINGS THAT MADE THE PROPHET (PBUH) ANGRY (1) Things To Follow In Islam For A Better Life (1) Thousand Years Old Letter (1) thursday reading (1) TIME: A BLESSING AND A TRUST (1) TIPS FOR A MUSLIM HOME (1) Tips on Keeping Productive Friendships And Relationships (1) Tips to Deal with Toxic People from Islamic and Counseling Sources (1) To get Prestige in Society (1) toheed (1) Tolerance in Islam (1) TOO BUSY TO PRAY FIVE TIMES? (1) Top Leadership Qualities of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Towards an Accepted Hajj (1) TREAT YOUR NEIGHBOUR WELL (1) TREATMENT OF ANIMALS IN ISLAM (1) Triple Talaq and Nikah Halala are major sins (1) TRUE BELIEVERS (1) True Meaning of Trust in Allah (1) TRUE PURITY OF THE HEART (1) Truly Love Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Try these Quran memorization techniques (1) tuesday reading (1) TURN TO ALLAH (2) Twelve Proofs that Muhammad is a True Prophet (1) TWO WAYS TO SUCCESS (1) Types of Hajj (1) Types of Patience (1) Ummul Momineen (1) Umrah (1) Understanding the soul in Islam (1) Unique Revenge (1) Universal Lessons of Hajj (1) Unpleasant Smell of Lie (1) URWAH IBN AZ-ZUBAIR (1) VALENTINE’S DAY…AND ITS POSITION IN ISLAM (1) Verses (1) Verses of Healing (1) verses of quran (1) verses of rabbana (1) Views of Islamic scholars (1) Virtues (1) Virtues of Fasting in the Summer Taken from: Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalī’s “Latā’if Maʿārif” (1) Virtues of reading Surah Al-Muzzammil (1) Virtues of the Day of Arafaah (1) VISITING GRAVE OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) Wal Jamaat (1) Waldain Ke Huqooq - Maa Baap Ke Huqooq (1) Waqf al-Khairi & Waqf al-Dhurri (1) WAR IN ISLAM: ETHICS & RULES (1) War is deceit? Lie to unbelievers? (1) Waris Shah (1) Ways of Treating Magic (1) Ways to Overcome Sadness in Islam (1) Wazaif (1) Wazaif For Baby (1) Wazaif For Hajat (1) Wazaif for Rizq (1) Wazaif of Week (2) Wazaif. (1) Wazfa To Remove Black Magic (1) Wazifa for Sexual Ability (1) Wazifa for Sugar Patient (1) Wazifa for Tiredness (1) WE INVITE YOU TO ISLAM (1) wednesday reading (1) Welcome Aboard Fly Air Janazah (1) WELCOMING RAMADAN (1) WELCOMING THE BLESSED MONTH OF SHA'BAN (1) What Are the Five Pillars of Islam? (1) What does Islam say about "mothers"? (2) What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? (1) What happened at Dhul Khalasah? (1) What is “Four Quls (4 qul)” and its Benefits (1) WHAT IS ANGER? (1) WHAT IS DUA? (1) WHAT IS IFTAR? (1) What is Islam (1) What IS Islam An overview For A Non -Muuslim (1) What is Islamic studies? (1) WHAT IS ISRA AND MERAJ (1) what is Istikhara (1) What Is Taweez (1) What is the historical significance of Ghar e Hira? (1) What is the meaning of ‘eye for an eye’? (1) What Not To Do In Ramadan (1) What One Must Know before Hajj – The Fiqh Provisions of a Pilgrim (1) WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT MUHAMMAD (1) WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT ISLAM (1) WHAT TO DO UPON A DEATH (2) WHEN DOES THE HUMAN BEING BECOME HAPPY? (1) When Mecca Build (1) When Our Prayers Are Never Answered (1) Where is the island of Dajjal? (1) WHO IS ALLAH? (1) Who is Muhammad (peace be upon him)? (1) Who is Wali? ولی کِسے کہتے ہیں؟ (1) WHO WERE THE KHARIJIS? (1) Whoever knows himself (1) Whom Must We Worship? (1) WHY A SCIENTIST BELIEVES IN GOD? (1) Why are Christians donating towards The Qur'an Project? (1) Why Did God Create? (1) Why did Prophet Muhammad raid caravans in Medina? (1) WHY DO MUSLIMS FAST? (1) WHY DO PEOPLE LOVE TO GOSSIP? (1) WHY IS THE BISMILLAH MISSING FROM SURAH AT-TAWBAH? (1) why islam (1) Why the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Important to All of Mankind (1) Women (1) Women in Islam (3) Words Of Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) WORLD OF THE JINN (1) Worship in Islam (1) Worshiping Allah in fear and hope (1) Wudhu (Ablution) (1) wudu (2) Wudu’ and Invalidators of Wudu'. Full Shower Ghusl Purification (1) wuzu (1) ya rabbana (1) Ya Salamo (1) Ya Salamo ka Amal (1) Ya Salamo ka Wazifa (1) You Ask And The Quran Answers (1) Zakaat (1) (1) Zakat (3) Zakat and Charity should be instruments for developing the poor (1) Zakat Ul-Maal (1) Zikr (1) ZIKR OF ALLAH (1) Zikr Of Rasoolullah (1) بیماری اُڑ کر نہیں لگتی (1) حضرت سیّدنا امیر معاویہ (1)